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About Waste Nott

Reduce. Reuse. Refill


Who are we?

We are a community group based in Sherwood, who want to help to reduce packaging and avoid waste, and do our bit towards a more sustainable environment.

We have formed a 'not for profit' Cooperative company.


What are our principles and values:?

Cooperative and collaborative – with the community, other zero waste shops and local shops.

Straightforward, clear and ethical

Accessible, welcoming, open minded


What do we do:?

We sell unpackaged food items through our shop in Sherwood.

We offer ethically sourced goods, by identifying the supply chain through our suppliers.

We provide tips and guidance

We encourage and help others to make a difference in their own way

Our vision is that this way of shopping becomes mainstream.


Who is it for?

Locals in Sherwood who will find it easy to visit our shop.

People who are already trying to avoid packaging, especially single use plastic.

People in wheelchairs or with pushchairs are very welcome.

We love dogs too, but not in the shop.

If people can’t get to the shop, we will go out of our way to help get you what you need.

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Waste Nott is a zero waste shop located in Sherwood Nottingham. Opened in the summer of 2019 as a community project to provide an alternative to packaged food retailers.

Find out more about zero waste and how you can make a difference.

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